Okay, this is my dad, the drug mule! At least that's what his overall buckles imply I guess! I think Dad enjoyed the whole experience quite a lot. But we made it through security after they frisked Dad, took my water bottle (it's tiny---I forgot I had it! Really!) and Suzi's knife! Yep, I said knife! She said she forgot! I think she was planning on pulling it on a flight attendant and highjacking the plane! At least that's what I think!
My sweet niece, Emily, met us at the airport in Denver and took us to a joint! A burger joint, that is! It was a 50's style place and the burgers were de-double-icious (wait, that may be another Momism. See, they're just there hidden in the childhood recesses of my mind!) Anyway, I digress.
These are some booties I made for little yet-to-be-born Abby. I gave these to Emily after we ate. Can't wait to see them in December on the baby.
Here's Union Station, the really cool train station in downtown Denver where we'll catch the train tomorrow. We found out our train will be delayed a few hours tomorrow so we're a little disappointed. But it'll take more than that to ruin our trip. There's some kind of high water in Nebraska so we'll be leaving around noon or 1 p.m. as opposed to 8 a.m. But we had fun checking out the digs and learning our way around.
The inside of the station is very retro and original. Notice these cool benches.....holding the cool people!
Here we are in front of the station. You can't see the doors very well but they're huge and the wood was worn and beautiful.
Here we are in front of the station. You can't see the doors very well but they're huge and the wood was worn and beautiful.
Emily brought us back to our home away from home, the Hampton Inn, and we visited with her for a good long time and it was great to catch up....and laugh. We did a lot of laughing. Dad was regaling us with stories from his childhood. Like the time he was 14 and playing in his yard when two young ladies his age came driving up in a Model T and asked him and his friend to go to a party where they would be playing Spin the Bottle! ? ! ? He didn't get to go! At least that's what he said! He also told us about having to redo 6th grade and how his first 6th grade teacher had a nervous breakdown. Hmmmmmm! I'll let you come to your own conclusions about that.
I probably won't be posting tomorrow because we'll be riding through the mountains on a train!!! Really?????? I've never even been on a train before! What a great dad I have to allow me this fun and interesting opportunity! And with him, to boot! Cool stuff!