Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bits of Joy

It's hot!   You guys in Texas know this.  You also know that because of said heat there's just not much green and certainly even less of any other color.  But there are bits of joy to be had if you look hard enough.

About four years ago Kaylee, Bobby, and I (mostly Bobby) dug up all of the pointy stickery holly hedge in my front yard and I then planted azaleas.  I knew it would be a challenge but I wanted to at least try and it's fun to have a challenge every once in awhile, right? (she said weakly)  Well, I didn't necessarily lose the challenge but I didn't really win either when after the frigid winter of 2010/11 and then the brutal summer that followed, I lost three of my five bushes.  But I sucked it up like a big girl, bought new ones this past spring, and kept my fingers crossed.  Part of the reason I think I lost the original ones is that I didn't water or fertilize enough and I like to say I'm pretty good about learning from my mistakes (I make enough of them after all) so I've babied and petted these and so far, so good.....well, not completely.  Here's what's happened to one of the bushes. 
Let me insert here that part of my bits of joy is having this beautiful and hardy moon flower grow here in my front yard garden because of the compost I sprinkled around in the spring.  I had these a couple of summers ago but didn't save any of the seed so this time I'm saving them.  It's a great plant for the hot summers, as you can see, and it has the beautiful big white flowers in the morning.  But I digress.......see the sad azalea bush on the left above?  I've watered that thing till it's surely waterlogged a few times and I fertilized it hopefully enough but it still just turned all brown and crackly.  But look closer.......
There's new growth.  I really thought I was going to have to call this one dead and either start over or call it quits for this spot.  But hope is truly alive along with this plant, at least for now.  It's always fun to watch something come back to life.  We once had this dog named Lazarus............I'll save that for another post.  In the meantime, follow me now to the back yard!
The scene above has been kind of sad lately because on the right of the Oleander is where the gas company guys dug up a big circle of my flower garden and on the left is where the chickens had a hayday in my garden one day and dug up most of my ice plant and another flower that was doing pretty well.  (The good thing is that there is a remainder of both plants and they'll be back strong next spring)  But for now, between the hot summer, the gas guys, and the chickens, that section of my flower garden isn't looking very happy right now.........till today!  There really was joy when I went out this morning and spotted the flowers on my Oleander.
I planted this when I first created my garden area and it's struggled.  I almost lost it during that winter/summer I referred to earlier and it never has bloomed.  So now, four years later, there's a flower.  And what a vibrant color!  I knew I'd bought red but I hardly even remembered it because it's just done nothing for so long. 

So I refuse to be conquered by the heat!!  (Remind me I said that in about a week, please, if we continue to not get any rain)  Seriously, every time I step outside and have to suck in air because it's just hard to breathe in this stuff, I'll just walk over and see my beautiful plants that refuse to give up.  As will I!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Italian Cream Cake and the roomie!

It started waaaaay back in the sophomore year of my college days at good ol' Wayland Baptist College.  We were moving in the much nicer and bigger upper classman girls dorm that year and Cindy was my roommate.  Cindy was an outstanding roommate too but I didn't even begin to understand the benefits that she would bring to the table (literally) until she brought them to the table, or the desk, as was the case in our sweet little suite that we shared with Dorla and Sherry.  As I would find out very soon that year Cindy had a very talented and generous aunt that would supply her every so often with an Italian Cream Cake.  A whole one!  This cake was rich, filled with pecans and coconut and topped with a cream cheese/butter icing.  And I was hooked from then till now.  It is my favorite cake and I make one every chance I get which isn't often because if I make it then I eat it.  I mean, I guess Cindy and I could eat a whole cake all by ourselves back in the day but that was, well, back in the day and things have changed and rearranged a little, or a lot maybe.........well, let's just say I can't afford to eat a whole cake anymore.  

Anyway, because Bob is trying to be careful about what he eats and because I can't eat a whole cake by myself anymore I simply don't get to bake that often.  But I've been thinking about an Italian Cream Cake since about Christmas and it's just time.  We're having some friends over tomorrow night so there it is, my excuse.  And I'm taking full advantage. 

I love Italian Cream Cake because of how it tastes, obviously, but I also love it because it's such an old fashioned kind of cake.  The recipe has instructions like "beat egg whites till stiff, but not dry, and fold into batter" and "add flour and buttermilk alternately to creamed mixture, beginning with flour and ending with flour".  I never really have understood why you have to add them alternately and why you HAVE to begin and end with flour but I do it.  And I love doing it.  It helps me sort of touch base with how those little old ladies of long ago did it when they baked for the church covered dish supper.   
Cindy put up with me for two and a half years and we sure had some great times together.  Every time I make this cake I think about her and the thoughtfulness of her aunt that showed her love in the yummiest way.