Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My friend Jane and the lesson

Yesterday I met an old friend in the Target parking lot. Jane is an old district PTA buddy of mine so I don't see her very often at all anymore but when I do I'm always blessed. She's one of most kind and gentle people I know and she pretty much spreads joy. We were standing there chit-chatting and after a few minutes she acknowledged a young woman that was standing behind me, seemingly waiting to talk to us. When Jane acknowledged her she timidly walked toward us saying that she did indeed need our help. I won't go into the details and she didn't even share much. But after she told us of her troubles Jane immediately opened her purse and without question, gave her what I noticed was at least more than a $1 bill (I'm pretty sure it was a $20). And I guess the way she did it is what struck me. There was no guile, as I've read in the Bible, none at all. Just a sweet and giving spirit that wanted to help someone in need. I'm the one that has to second guess, to judge the one seeking help. Will she use the money for drugs or alcohol? Is there really even a baby? Am I being taken advantage of? I'm so glad that I got to see firsthand how Jesus would actually do it. My current favorite Bible verse is in the 3rd chapter of James and it tells what wisdom from heaven truly is. It's pure, peaceloving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. I've always known I need work in the considerate, mercy, and impartial areas and I'm so thankful that God is teaching me. And who would have thought it would be in the Target parking lot!