One of the best things about having weather like we had last week is that it makes days like these seem just perfect.
I got my little garden in the back yard all turned and tilled, and planted potatoes, spinach, and onions. I've planted potatoes once before when I had a plot in the community garden around the corner and they were SO delicious. The only problem was that I didn't have very many. So I'm hoping these will be as good and I think I have better knowledge so maybe there will be more.
What I would like to be doing is preparing a pen for chickens. But, alas, city codes do not permit me to raise them in my part of town. I'm trying not to be jealous as my brother, Kelly, is happily dreaming of and preparing for his new batch of baby chicks. But as a consolation, I'm hoping he'll let me name at least one of them and maybe even beg a few eggs from him. Hey, Kelly, I'll even save a carton or two to collect them in!
Spring is definitely in the air. It's just too bad that it's still a couple of months away!