Thursday, June 2, 2011

A View from the Crosswalk

The 2010-2011 school year is now coming to an end.  I'm not quite finished yet.  I have one more afternoon to make sure the kiddos make it across the street safely and then.......YEAH, BABY!!!  It's summer!  I have lots of busyness to look forward to this summer like a trip to Colorado to see my newest grand-niece, another cruise with my dad, and, of course, I can't forget Cousin Camp!  Woo Hoo! 

But this morning one little boy made the job so worthwhile with his expression of thanks.  First of all he and his mom gave me this amazing candy!  I mean, have any of you had this stuff? I hadn't and when I tried it I thought I'd maybe tasted a piece of heaven.  Delicious!  And fancy!  I'm always into fancy. 
And then when I opened the card, the candy definitely was of secondary meaning to me.  As you can see, his name is Laird and he's just completing the 2nd grade.  His words were concise and to the point but made my job worthwhile.  I thought it was a perfect way to finish the year
So now you know why I do it!  Well, that.........and the money!!   : )