Thursday, June 30, 2011


There is truly nothing like finding a dead squirrel in the rain barrel!!  And yet it gets better!  It had been awhile since I'd used the rain barrel because my life has gotten kinda busy just lately so I've resorted to the old standby hose and regular water to quickly douse my sad, sad gardens. 

But the other morning I was feeling all energetic and had a little extra time in my pocket so I got out my watering can and bucket and turned on the rain barrel faucet.  My first clue should've been and was, actually, the smell.  The next hint was the was black!  Yup!!!  Neither was a good sign. 

Bob did a spectacular job building my rain barrel a very pretty house and set it up off the ground so that the bottom of the barrel is about waist high.  So I had to get my little ladder and up I went, ever so slowly because I just wasn't sure what to expect.  I had put some gold fish in there to help with the mosquito problem and they had recently expired themselves so I thought surely those tiny little things couldn't be the source of the awful odor. 

Needless to say, my look turned into a glance because I wanted nothing to do with what was in that rain barrel.  I won't go into too much detail but just believe me when I say that it wasn't a pretty picture.  My first thought was, "Oh my! Bob is not gonna be a happy camper when I tell him what his next thing on the honeydo list would be".  But then the light bulb blinked on!  I'd call the animal control people!  I mean, that's what they do, right??  And sure enough, they were here in a jiffy to take care of the whatever it was. 

I had to go to work so I wasn't here when they came but I called later to find out that it was indeed a squirrel.  I have a few ideas about how the poor scoundrel got in there but suffice it to say, we'll be reworking the top of the rain barrel soon so nothing like that will happen again.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A View from the Crosswalk

The 2010-2011 school year is now coming to an end.  I'm not quite finished yet.  I have one more afternoon to make sure the kiddos make it across the street safely and then.......YEAH, BABY!!!  It's summer!  I have lots of busyness to look forward to this summer like a trip to Colorado to see my newest grand-niece, another cruise with my dad, and, of course, I can't forget Cousin Camp!  Woo Hoo! 

But this morning one little boy made the job so worthwhile with his expression of thanks.  First of all he and his mom gave me this amazing candy!  I mean, have any of you had this stuff? I hadn't and when I tried it I thought I'd maybe tasted a piece of heaven.  Delicious!  And fancy!  I'm always into fancy. 
And then when I opened the card, the candy definitely was of secondary meaning to me.  As you can see, his name is Laird and he's just completing the 2nd grade.  His words were concise and to the point but made my job worthwhile.  I thought it was a perfect way to finish the year
So now you know why I do it!  Well, that.........and the money!!   : )